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Huckson's Water Depot
Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations, Water Treatments, Well Maintenance & Rehabilitation
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Will My Water Bill Increase If I Use A Water Softener?
Water softeners are associated with increased well water pumping costs and somewhat higher water bills. The average water softener will need approximately 55 litre of fresh water each time it regenerates the resin bed. To minimize costs, select a water efficient model. Check how often the softener backwashes and how much water is used during regeneration. Also ensure that the unit is set to your family-size and needs.
What Does A Water Softener Look Like?
There are two basic types of water softeners. There is a single upright cabinet style and an upright twin tank style. Both are approximately 1.5 m in height and about 0.5 m in width.
What are The Benefits of a Water Softener?
A water softener reduces water hardness, making it easier to shower and clean fabrics and dishes. With softened water, less soap is required for bathing and laundry. Skin feels cleaner and clothing softer. Pipes, fixtures and appliances have less scale build-up. With less build-up, appliances can operate efficiently. Mineral-derived odours may be reduced; and, there are fewer deposit stains on bathroom fixtures.
What is the Disinfection Process in an Ultraviolet System?
Ultraviolet disinfection of water consists of a purely physical, chemical-free process. The bacteria in water that passes through UV light lose their reproductive capability and are destroyed. Even parasites such as Cryptosporidia or Giardia, which are extremely resistant to chemical disinfectants, are efficiently reduced. UV can also be used to remove chlorine and chlormaine species from water. UV disinfection does not remove dissolved organics, inorganic compounds or particles in the water.
What Are They Advantages of an Ultraviolet System?
UV water treatment devices can be used for well water and surface water disinfection. UV treatment compares favorably with other water disinfection systems in terms of cost, labor, while being perhaps the simplest to operate. Chlorine disinfection treats larger organisms and offers residual disinfection, but these systems are expensive and produce a steady supply of a potentially hazardous material. Finally, boiling water over a cook stove is the most reliable treatment method but it is not practical. UV treatment is rapid and, in terms of primary energy use, approximately 20,000 times more efficient than boiling.
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